Let me start by saying that my prediction about the wedding cake was all wrong. I was waaaaaay off the mark when I wrote that Han and Leia were going to top the cake. It was Lord of the Rings themed. It was all white with "Elvish" written around each layer, kinda like the "ring"...you know, from the Skymall catalog. There were little action figures on the top, going down the sides, and in front of it, set up like of the battle scenes from "Return of the King" in Minas Tirith or some shit like...
Alrighty. I'm attending a wedding on Sunday for a friend I knew in college. He was always really nice, and he had a confidence about his work and his passions (theatre and science fiction) that I admired, even if I didn't quite approve or agree with him. But we were never what I would call very close(or at least not invite-you-to-my-wedding close), and honestly I was shocked to receive the "Save the Date" postcard, and then the invitation. But I thought it was a lovely gesture, and then I tho...
You know, I haven't even scrolled the "Categories" to see if they have an "Other" option. Or perhaps a "Nothing in Particular" option would be good for me. I'm so noncommittal and I hate the pressure of picking a category to describe my day-to-day life. -Someone just called the office sounding REALLY far away. There was a delay, in fact. She also had an accent. I'm thinking India or Bangladesh. She was selling something. She said her name was Anna Davis. Call me crazy, but I'm inclined no...
Why am I so angry? After some thought I suppose it's because I'm so damn tired. I can barely concentrate on anything, and my eyes just want to close. I suppose if I collapsed and just pretended I fainted they might let me sleep for 5 whole minutes before they woke me up. There's an idea. I was reading people's commentary on "Garden State" and I got so amped at the notion that I was a member of Generation Y. It used to be a button for me in college, too. I choose to no longer reveal my age...
I don't want to hear it about the smoking reference. All kinds of people do all kinds of things to their own bodies that are bad for them, and you don't see me on the telly in a bodysuit like Tony Little telling them what to do. To people who say, "You shouldn't smoke." I say, "Well, you shouldn't wear your hair that way, but I don't say anything, because it's none of my damn business." And to people who say, "Smoking is bad for you," I say, "So is overconsumption and self-riteousness, so lea...
A Slice of Life Story So I come home at 9:30, just in time to watch Scrubs, and Connie, after filling me in on the latest family gossip, goes to bed. But after she's in bed, and I'm in the den, she LOVES to carry on long, barely audible conversations between the two rooms. Here is just a bit of that conversation from last night. Connie: Is "The American Race" on tonight? Me: You mean "The Amazing Race"? Yeah. Connie: Oh. I thought it was on Wednesdays. Will you Tivo it for me? ...
A Slice of Life Story So I come home at 9:30, just in time to watch Scrubs, and Connie, after filling me in on the latest family gossip, goes to bed. But after she's in bed, and I'm in the den, she LOVES to carry on long, barely audible conversations between the two rooms. Here is just a bit of that conversation from last night. Connie: Is "The American Race" on tonight? Me: You mean "The Amazing Race"? Yeah. Connie: Oh. I thought it was on Wednesdays. Will you Tivo it for me? ...
My headline, as usual, does not have much, if anything, to do with my blog today, but what else is new? I just thought it was really clever. But, interestingly, I found out this weekend that the number one cause of death to pregnant women in this country is murder. Makes ya kinda rethink wanting to get married and/or have a kid, don't it? The Latin Grammys. I heard a news bit about them yesterday on KCRW, and the woman promoting them was saying that Latin music has its own grammys because...
Seventy years from now you'll all be telling your great-grandkids how Aunt Tracy paved the way for old maids everywhere. Well, ok. You can say me, and "Samantha" from "Sex and the City". I believe I've finally come to terms with the fact that I will probably never get married. That's fine. I decided that I'd rather stay single for the rest of my life than spend it having to listen to a husband's droning on and on about himself and/or the state of the world (I chuckle as I write this in m...
Ok, I know I categorized this as "Current Events", but I think they MAKE you pick a category, and I suppose that this blog would relate to current events in MY life, so close enough, right? An update on the High-Fivin' White Straight Queens: I went to lunch with "the boys" on Tuesday, and we found a parking place right in front of the restaurant. One of them shouts, "Doris Day Parking!" and gets all excited. HELLO. Told ya. I'm no dummy. I spent a night in with the girls last night....
Here at my new job, I am the only female. I would never say it's uncomfortable, but it is VERY unusual for me. For a week, I was the only person of pseudo-color as well. Not used to working in an office filled with High-fivin White Guys. I jest. They're all really nice, and I like them a lot. There's none of the high-stress yelling or snapping I experienced at the talent or modelling agencies, no complete meltdowns like at the casting office, and generally no calling to cancel due to a coke h...
Here at my new job, I am the only female. I would never say it's uncomfortable, but it is VERY unusual for me. For a week, I was the only person of pseudo-color as well. Not used to working in an office filled with High-fivin White Guys. I jest. They're all really nice, and I like them a lot. There's none of the high-stress yelling or snapping I experienced at the talent or modelling agencies, no complete meltdowns like at the casting office, and generally no calling to cancel due to a coke h...