Published on August 26, 2004 By Tracy Samantha In Misc
Seventy years from now you'll all be telling your great-grandkids how Aunt Tracy paved the way for old maids everywhere. Well, ok. You can say me, and "Samantha" from "Sex and the City".

I believe I've finally come to terms with the fact that I will probably never get married. That's fine. I decided that I'd rather stay single for the rest of my life than spend it having to listen to a husband's droning on and on about himself and/or the state of the world (I chuckle as I write this in my OWN blog) with his inadequate vocabulary and his pseudointellectual, Ethan-Hawke-in-"Before Sunrise" kind of way. No, really. I consider myself pretty difficult to entertain, and think it is my duty to the world not to subject it to the often cruel, torturous treatment to which I see it subjecting others as well as, occasionally, myself. Either I shall remain here, content with my spinsterhood, or I'll turn into one of those people whose mini-biographies ended up on "Amazing Stories", where I convince myself that my husband is a creation out of an Aaron Sorkin work. There are worse things.

Speaking of "worse things", I think I'm going to take some of my well-earned new money, and piss some people off. Maybe I'll make some politically motivated bumper stickers, or just bumper stickers that are completely incoherent, and people (ESPECIALLY here in LA) will think it's some "inside" thing that they need to be a part of. I realize now that's how George Clooney is always so nice to people. I've read about his legendary practical jokes, and realize now that practical jokes are just a way of being mean to people without the label of being "mean". He already has an outlet for his anger or frustration, so he doesn't have to do it by being rude or by casting downward glances at the hoi poloi as so many in Hollywood do. I pretty much think the invention of bell-bottoms and coulottes were a practical joke, and look at the result.

Which leads me to: Does intent REALLY matter? I personally, don't think so, but Connie would disagree. Alright. I'm doing a poll. What do YOU think? Please make sure your arguement is coherent, and you use facts to back up your opinion.

on Aug 26, 2004
Yes, unfortunately, I think intent does matter. "I went to give the homeless man on the street a dollar, and he clocked me over the head and stole my purse". Cop says, "Well, that was stupid." But my intention was good.

This is not to excuse wretched narcissitic (sp?) behavior. Most people are careless with their words and deed, and use intention as a way to justify their rude behavior. "It was an accident" is a BS excuse. You made the choice that led you there, now suck it up. When you got behind the wheel of the car drunk, that was your choice. You decided that the odds of killing a family of four vs. having to come and get your car the next day was an acceptable risk. You intention was to put yourself above the needs of society. Period. Admit it or not.

Well it looks like I am a walking (writing) contradiction. Alas, to be human.

Married, schmarried. I guess it's easy coming from me. Although technically not married, 15 years is a LONG time to be dating.- All that crap people tell you about love finding you, not the other way around, unfortunately is true. You don't want to get married to soon, because you don't even know who the hell you are. You only get better at that as you get older, so there is never a too late.

on Aug 27, 2004
As long as you have close family and/or friends I don't think you need to be married. And even if you think you have found someone...take it slow...once you've made a commitment to someone you now lead a life of partnership.....always needing to consider the other when making longer able to simply think and do...but to think...consider...communicate...discuss....disagree...argue....compromise.....
Revel in your independence and the love of those who are close.
on Aug 31, 2004
i think it's sad that society still has this notion that getting married makes everything ok. let's take sex and the city's finale for instance. alright- why is mr big the great choice for carrie? he decides to fly to paris and suddenly that makes him a changed man, different from the asshole he was all those times before? i don't think so. carrie was pretty annoying, too. she was the only character on that show not to evolve in any way. she ended up exactly where she started. now it doesn't annoy me that she and big got back together because, frankly, they deserve each other. but i can't stand the fact that women everywhere ooh and aah over this great ending. it's like "yay, she has a boyfriend, everything will be alright." i really wanted at least one of them to be single at the end of the show. single, out there, and seeing where life takes her. and let's just be happy that after several years of being in some kind of a relationship with big, she can finally put his real name into her phone. ugh.

and i also say that intention matters. i mean if you accidentally kick a dog because you didn't see him vs seeing a dog and kicking him are different matters completely. i don't have actual data to back this up, but i think it's true.