Why am I so angry? After some thought I suppose it's because I'm so damn tired. I can barely concentrate on anything, and my eyes just want to close. I suppose if I collapsed and just pretended I fainted they might let me sleep for 5 whole minutes before they woke me up. There's an idea.
I was reading people's commentary on "Garden State" and I got so amped at the notion that I was a member of Generation Y. It used to be a button for me in college, too. I choose to no longer reveal my age, because so much is assumed when one's age is given, and I hate that. I hate being categorized, packaged in a neat little box, and marketed to, because I am not a tool. Well, at least I like to think I'm not a tool.
I just got an idea for a t-shirt, that reads, "NOT A TOOL" and on the back it says, "Drink Royal Crown Cola". I'm gonna go with it.
Anyway, some dumb-shit teenager was saying that "Garden State" was the defining film of Generation Y. Um, hey, Dumbshit, if you recall, 10 years ago, Generation X was feeling just as lost, only not nearly as eloquent, as evidenced by "Reality Bites," and unfortunately they chose Winona Ryder as their spokesmodel. And let's go back ten years before that, when people had Flock of Seagulls to look to for hair advice and spent their Saturdays confused and hating THEIR parents in detention in Shermer, Illinois. I could go back further, but I think my examples are adequate. "Garden State" is the defining film for ANY (post-WWII) generation. That's why it's so popular.