Lyle the Affeminate Heterosexual
Here at my new job, I am the only female. I would never say it's uncomfortable, but it is VERY unusual for me. For a week, I was the only person of pseudo-color as well. Not used to working in an office filled with High-fivin White Guys. I jest. They're all really nice, and I like them a lot. There's none of the high-stress yelling or snapping I experienced at the talent or modelling agencies, no complete meltdowns like at the casting office, and generally no calling to cancel due to a coke hangover. Ahhh, that's nice.
Anyway, I found out yesterday that the guy I pegged for a big ol' Nellie is a WOMAN. I could hardly believe my ears. There is more than one affeminate hetero here...a whole pile of them, actually. One was lamenting the search for the perfect porch lights to me last week. How do I know that they are all straight, you ask? Well, I'm not positive, but I am the only one in the office who isn't married, except for one other, and the jury's still out on him. I find it hard to believe that in a huge metropolitan city like this one, there would be anyone so ashamed of his homosexuality that he would marry a woman. After all, none of these guys is the governor of New Jersey.
So my boss is really cool, even if we have radically different political views, which, thankfully, haven't come up. I'm not looking forward to that day. He has the following titles on his bookshelf at work: "Why the Left Hates America", "Fight Club", and, among others, "The Xenophobe's Guide to the Dutch". I wish I were kidding. I also opened mail for him yesterday from the NRA. Lovely. Well, I guess, as my grandmother would say, "It takes all kinds to make a world".
That's all for today, I think.