I don't want to hear it about the smoking reference. All kinds of people do all kinds of things to their own bodies that are bad for them, and you don't see me on the telly in a bodysuit like Tony Little telling them what to do. To people who say, "You shouldn't smoke." I say, "Well, you shouldn't wear your hair that way, but I don't say anything, because it's none of my damn business." And to people who say, "Smoking is bad for you," I say, "So is overconsumption and self-riteousness, so leave me alone you SUV-driving, Prada-wearing, pseudo-liberal whore". Wow. Didn't know I had that in me today. [just fyi, I wrote this first part last]. To paraphrase my good friend, Matt, I have a big bag over in the corner full of suggestions and complaints and "shoulds", so you go ahead and add yours. You know, I should have you guys do it here, since you don't have to put your real names. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or comments for me, be my guest.
It occurs to me that the bloggers on this particular website seem awfully self-important. So many of them post political blogs that espouse the same rhetoric and punchy catch-phrases I see all day on my mother's CNN ticker or on Fox News Network. I mean, do they think they're going to be discovered and then become the next Maureen Dowd or what? I just do it for fun. Tee hee. And to stay awake while at work. Note to friends: If I ever become obnoxiously self-important, you have my permission to smack my ass.
Went to the bookstore the other day and bought a bunch of books, 'CAUSE I CAN. Uahahahahahaha! I can now afford to buy them if I want, but still maintain and encourage the appreciation of libraries I developed when I was impoverished. Bought another history book by Howard Zinn, who, by the way, has a documentary coming out soon (well, it's ABOUT him, not BY him) narrated by Matt Damon. Look for it on the westside, because apparently anyone who lives east of La Brea is not worthy of independent movies in theatres that were not recently of the adult film variety, if at all.
Speaking of Leftists (Zinn, not Damon), I was speaking with a friend of mine last night who worked at the Emmys, and he was giving me a list of all the people he got to meet and/or speak to, and he said, "Talked to Martin Sheen. He was very nice...even though he's a super-liberal freak." Ok maybe he didn't say freak, but I don't remember the word he used. Anyway the word he used was to illustrate the fact that his uber-liberalism makes him not normal or weird. Now, I've met the man, and I would never say that. Yes, he's very political. He's been known to march for causes and more, etc., but he's not annoying or off-putting or anything, like Barbra Streisand or Charleton Heston. And everyone's entitled to their opinion, except for Ann Coulter. She really shouldn't be allowed one.
Today is timesheet day and I always put up a million signs everywhere to assure that I get them in time, especially from one straight queen in particular, and everything is a big deal (I swear he must've been Theatre Arts or Drama in college)and he never has enough time for ANYTHING, except vacation. He leaves for Hawaii a week from today. Nice.
As for me, I'm dead tired, but I've switched to English Breakfast Tea because it has a much smoother buzz and takes the edge (my edge being misanthropy and a general malaise) off. Unfortunately, I fear that switching to tea, I will become on of those sorry bastards whose teeth look like L. Ron Hubbard's, or the Predator's, or somewhere in between. We shall see. I'll keep you posted.