Ok, I know I categorized this as "Current Events", but I think they MAKE you pick a category, and I suppose that this blog would relate to current events in MY life, so close enough, right?

An update on the High-Fivin' White Straight Queens:

I went to lunch with "the boys" on Tuesday, and we found a parking place right in front of the restaurant. One of them shouts, "Doris Day Parking!" and gets all excited. HELLO. Told ya. I'm no dummy.

I spent a night in with the girls last night. We got really good Chinese food and rented a movie, but were in the video store for like 45 minutes because two of my girlfriends couldn't decide what movie to watch. At first it was just disagreement but then it escalated to stubbornness and whining. I tell you, if we had been in a video store in Texas they'd be dead right now 'cause I'd have had a gun with me. We finally get home and one of my girlfriends in The Industry gets a phone call at 10pm from her psychotic boss. Oh, wait, all bosses in entertainment are psychotic. Nevermind. It makes me so uneasy to watch her stress about work when she's not even there. It reminds me of MY brief foray. Yuck. "Never again", as the Jews say.

Going to see Willy Wonka tonight at the museum. Am worried that the place will be crawling with small children who have no concept of the phrase, "Shut the fuck up." Either that or the scene will be like the episode of South Park when the kindergarteners took over the town and made Cartman the mayor. If there IS a God, She will give me patience.

Went into the bakery yesterday and saw my old boss. I felt kinda funny because I looked pretty nasty and worn out, not to mention the fact that I was wearing my flood pants, so when I walked, you could see my Homer Simpson socks. But I was well-received and found out that my old boss is going to London and Saturday is her last day. She's having a going-away party at some earth-muffiny vegetarian restaurant on Sunday, but I figure I'll go anyway because I liked her so much.

Gotta go now. Got a lunchdate with Bob Hope.

on Sep 27, 2004
I would just like to say, that I would have gone for EITHER MOVIE, and that I wanted to leave it up to the chick who never makes any group decisions, which apparently backfired into Tracy's nearly committing, is it, Harry Carey(?) right in front of us, or to us, or whatever. At any rate, please note that the DVD we ended up renting DIDN'T EVEN WORK, so we had to watch Connie & Carla instead. An altogether hilarious, if flawed, film. Oh, and yes, that's my psycho boss and yes, she really is psychotic. Tracy's not exaggerating that one. Sigh.